Friday, February 13, 2015

Reflections of Assistive Technologies

While the latest smartphones are utilizing new innovations to provide us with entertainment and convenience, developments in technology are also being used to assist individuals with disabilities. Assistive technology includes equipment that caters to the special needs of people with various disabilities with the purpose of making day to day functions possible for everyone.

People who have Cerebral Palsy often struggle to communicate. This makes it difficult for these individuals to express their wants and needs. As a solution, an assistive technology called DynaVox was created. This technology has been provided to disabled students to enhance their learning experience by allowing them to communicate with their teachers and their peers.

Other assistive technologies are used to help the visually impaired. Some of these technologies include the Smartboard and a keyboard that types brail. Students can use this technologies to prevent their visual impairment from hindering their ability to write in class.

Disabilities shouldn't prevent students from participating in extracurriculars like jazz band. That's why an assistive technology was created to help students with limited mobility to play instruments using a joystick. This helps students to be involved in music, which is an important aspect of education for many.

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