The idea of providing students with an alternative to the tradition of deadlines and huge homework loads seems like an idea that has been waiting to be fully developed for years. With education standards as low as they are, and so many students failing to keep up with their course loads, it is apparent that the current way we, in education, are doing things is not good enough. I believe that we have kept the format of education where it is because it is comfortable and it's what we know. Maybe we are afraid of thinking outside of the box. However, the idea that the class curriculum can be treated like a game prevents us from having to change the way we already think. Humans are innately competitive and we always want to know exactly what we have to do to achievement something, to win. By changing the current status of curriculum we can help more students to learn what we want them to instead of putting so much focus on how the curriculum needs to be taught. Respond to the speakers ideas about changing the metrics of schools
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